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Publication - Jurnal Article

Dalton Transactions, 49, 12798 (2020)
DOI: 10.1039/D0DT02254C
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Accepted Manuscript
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Optical properties of organic/inorganic perovskite microcrystals through the characterization of Fabry–Pérot resonances

F. Ramiro-Manzano, R. García-Aboal, R. Fenollosa, S. Biasi, I. Rodriguez, P. Atienzar and F. Meseguer


A precise knowledge of the optical properties, specifically the refractive index, of organic/inorganic perovskites, is essential for pushing forward the performance of the current photovoltaic devices that are being developed from these materials. Here we show a robust method for determining the real and the imaginary part of the refractive index of MAPbBr3 thin films and micrometer size single crystals with planar geometry. The simultaneous fit of both the optical transmittance and the photoluminescence spectra to theoretical models defines unambiguously the refractive index and the crystal thickness. Because the method relies on the optical resonance phenomenon occurring in these microstructures, it can be used to further develop optical microcavities from perovskites or from other optical materials.


Schematic representation of the Optical Transmission and PL experiments, hybrid perovskite, cavity, resonances
Fig. 1. Schematic representation of the Optical Transmission and PL experiments
Differences in the spectra because of the effect of the numerical aperture (NA). Calculations/Simulations. Fabry Pérot Hybrid Perovskite Single Crystal
Fig. 2. Differences in the spectra because of the effect of the numerical aperture (NA). Calculations/Simulations
Calculated/simulated Transmittance and Normalized PL spectra of a MAPbBr3 thin film resonator/ cavity
Fig. 3 Calculated (a) Transmittance and (b) Normalized PL spectra of a MAPbBr3 thin film as a function of the layer thickness.
Transmittance and PL oscillations, resonances. Refractive index and extinction coefficients. Hybrid perovskite
Fig. 4 (a) Optical microscopy image of the measured MAPbBr3 crystal microcavity (square structure at the center of the image). (b) and (c) Experimental data and fitted curves for the OT and the PL spectra respectively. Resonant modes are indicated on top of their resonance peak by their mode-order, m. (d) Real and (e) imaginary part of the fitted refractive index and that of ref. 27. for comparison. (e) Finesse and (f) Quality Factor for all of the identified modes. The lines act as a guide to the eye.


Reproduced from Ref. Dalton Trans., 2020,49, 12798-12804 with permission from the Royal Society of Chemistry.
Fernando Ramiro Manzano, PhD 
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(+34) 96 387 9841
CTF-ITQ, UPV, Edificio 8B, Avda. Los Naranjos SN, 46360 - Valencia, Spain
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