F. Ramiro-Manzano, website logo

About F. Ramiro-Manzano

Where - physically?

CTF-ITQ, Polytechnic University of Valencia, Building (Edificio) 8B, block (bloque) L or K, Avda. Los Naranjos SN, 46022 - Valencia, Spain

A bit difficult...more details

 Usually Inside of a campus is difficult to find the location.
1. Start from the big brown building called "Ciudad Politécnica de la Innovation" (see the map and/or links).
2.  Walk down the externals stairs. Now you are in the open subbasement. Ok, find the door with the letter K or L. Open the door and enter into the lifter. 
3. Go up to the first floor. Now there's only two doors, Find the one with the name and logo of ITQ, CSIC-UPV. Ring both bells
4. Great, you have arrived!

Where - virtually? (do not hesitate to contact me)

Fernando Ramiro Manzano, PhD 
Substitute (at) with @
(+34) 96 387 9841
CTF-ITQ, UPV, Edificio 8B, Avda. Los Naranjos SN, 46360 - Valencia, Spain
This website has been created using Wordpress and the Oxygen builder. To achieve parallax effects, the Vanilla Javascript Parallax Library 'Rellax' (Dixon & Moe) was utilized. Most of the graphical content, such as icons and images, has been created specifically for this website, with the exception of the link favicons and journal copyright material, which have been used with permission from their respective publishers. If there are any questions ir problems regarding permissions, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Thank you for visiting my Website.
LOGO Nanomaterials for optoelectronics, photonics and energy, ITQ, CSIC, UPV, Severo Ochoa