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From time to time, more old publications will be publised in this website.
few layers of HCP phase in self-assembly spatial confinement

Layering transitions in confined colloidal crystals: The hcp-like phase - Supporting Material

Physical Review E 76, 050401 (2007)
F. Ramiro-Manzano, E. Bonet, I. Rodriguez and F. Meseguer

This paper investigates the sequence of morphological transitions in a nearly hard sphere arrangement confined in a wedge cell. A model that shows smooth transitions between the different particle orderings for a small number of layers is proposed. In this model, both the buckling and the [100] hexagonal close packed 􏰌hcp􏰍 phases are particular cases of a much more general particle arrangement tendency that we call hcp-like ordering. This phase, which does not correspond to any known close packed ordering, is able to adopt packing arrangements commensurate with the cell thickness. More striking, the hcp-like phase adapts itself to the progressive changes of the cell thickness by a smooth change in the interlayer spacing. We present hcp-like orderings up to six layers and a complete sequence of transformations between two and four layers. Finally, a packing model of the transition from two to three layers is also presented.

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hip like phase of a colloidal crystal confined ordering

Layering transitions in confined colloidal crystals: The hcp-like phase

Physical Review E 76, 050401 (2007)
F. Ramiro-Manzano, E. Bonet, I. Rodriguez and F. Meseguer

This paper investigates the sequence of morphological transitions in a nearly hard sphere arrangement confined in a wedge cell. A model that shows smooth transitions between the different particle orderings for a small number of layers is proposed. In this model, both the buckling and the [100] hexagonal close packed 􏰌hcp􏰍 phases are particular cases of a much more general particle arrangement tendency that we call hcp-like ordering. This phase, which does not correspond to any known close packed ordering, is able to adopt packing arrangements commensurate with the cell thickness. More striking, the hcp-like phase adapts itself to the progressive changes of the cell thickness by a smooth change in the interlayer spacing. We present hcp-like orderings up to six layers and a complete sequence of transformations between two and four layers. Finally, a packing model of the transition from two to three layers is also presented.

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Fernando Ramiro Manzano, PhD 
Substitute (at) with @
(+34) 96 387 9841
CTF-ITQ, UPV, Edificio 8B, Avda. Los Naranjos SN, 46360 - Valencia, Spain
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LOGO Nanomaterials for optoelectronics, photonics and energy, ITQ, CSIC, UPV, Severo Ochoa